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Medical insurance companies are making changes. New Medicare and payment guidelines require more from dental practices to cover appliance therapy.

Have you heard the updates?

  • How some plans won’t be accepting telemedicine consults?
  • Some require a pre and post-HST consult to pay for OAT.
  • Some specificy which appliances are allowed.
  • And the new codes.

The medical insurance industry is changing.

Are you ready for it?

Have these questions left you uncertainty?

Navigating this evolving terrain can feel like trying to decode a foreign language.

On February 13th at 8 PM EST, we’ve assembled a group of experts who will decode the changes and challenges of medical billing!

They’ve been in the trenches, keeping pace with every twist and turn of medical billing. They’re here to demystify, guide, and provide actionable strategies to help your practice adapt and thrive in this new era.

Jon Nierman, Alejandra Farias, and Laura Couture collectively bring decades of experience in dental sleep medicine, offering a comprehensive understanding of the field’s evolving challenges and opportunities. Their diverse backgrounds in education, medical billing, and practice management make them ideal experts for guiding professionals through the dynamic landscape of DSM.

From understanding the intricacies of telemedicine to decoding the requirements for appliance therapy, our speakers will arm you with the tools to address any challenge thrown your way confidently.

Beyond just understanding, we’ll also dive into practical solutions. How can you streamline your workflow amidst these changes? How can you ensure patient satisfaction and trust remain at an all-time high, even when the insurance landscape feels like shifting sands?

It’s not just about survival; it’s about growth. It’s about ensuring that amidst all these changes, your practice continues to flourish, provide unparalleled patient care, and maintain a steady revenue stream.

So, instead of dreading the next insurance email update or patient query, let’s turn that apprehension into action. Register for our webinar, and let’s face these changes, not as daunting challenges, but as opportunities.

Register now!


  • Decode latest Medicare and payment guideline updates.
  • Navigate telemedicine’s changing role and consultation requirements.
  • Discuss new coding practices and appliance billing strategies.
  • Streamline workflow and maintain patient satisfaction amidst changes.


Jon Nierman

Jon Nierman President of Nierman Practice Management has a mission to remove barriers for dental sleep medicine implementation. From his platform, he specializes in the development of continuing education programs, software systems, and medical billing services to facilitate dental practice growth for medically necessary services. Jon has provided over 5,000 hours of continuing education on sleep and TMD and is a leader in helping dental professionals build established sleep practices.

Laura Couture

Laura started her sleep journey as a clinical assistant for one of the largest sleep-only practices in the nation. There, she gained her biggest knowledge base in DSM and became both an assistant and a biller. She has billed for the last 7 years exclusively and loves the challenge of medical billing. Those "tricky cases," are the ones she loves the best. She is certified as a sleep care coordinator and has completed hundreds of CE hours in DSM. When not mastering the art of medical billing, she is a true crime junkie, an avid reader, and a mom to 4 very active kiddos.

Alejandra Faria

Alejandra Farias, a graduate of Montemorelos University in Mexico, has specialized in dental sleep medicine since 2015. She began her career with Dr. Richard Drake and further developed her skills under Keith Thornton. Alejandra excels in clinical and administrative aspects of sleep medicine, co-founding a successful sleep practice with Dr. Paz. Passionate about her field, she balances her professional life with being a mother of two. Alejandra is recognized for her dedication to patient care and significant contributions to dental sleep medicine.

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